Sean Marion
Global Head of Ratings & Research Support

Sean Marion is the Managing Director of Global Ratings & Research Support. In this role, Sean oversees the delivery of high-quality analytic support and the recruitment, professional development, and early career journeys of Moody's junior analytic talent.

Sean joined Moody’s in 2003 and, since then, has held various roles of increasing responsibility in our offices in Toronto, Mexico City, and London. Before assuming this role in March 2025, Sean headed Moody’s EMEA Structured Finance Group, based in London. He was responsible for overseeing both primary issuance and surveillance functions for Consumer Assets, Corporate Assets, and Covered Bonds, with teams based in London, Frankfurt, Paris, Madrid, and Milan.

Sean holds graduate degrees in Economics from the Université Paris 1 (Sorbonne) and the London School of Economics. He also holds an undergraduate degree from Bishop’s University, Canada.

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